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Hi I am back and was able to log in

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 12:20 am
by SKW41
Hi Rich

Wow it been along time since I have been up here. To everyone else my name is Sean and I am not new to this but have not been up here in the
last 6 or 7 years. I am glad to be back and I saw that you all had a 2016 meeting. I really wish that I could have made that one.

To those who do not know me . My dad was an engineer and program and design computers. I started on the Sinclair ZX80 when it first came out.
My father worked in the Computer industry and knew Ralph Baer,and monet others. My father was a pioneer in the Atari corp and it odd for a kid
back in the Atari age to have a sinclair computer when his dad worked for Atari under a sub contractor.

My dad traveled alot and I figure he ran into Mr. Sinclair and the next thing I know is I had a ZX80 computer from England.

I have kept everything I had for this computer. Some of the little books are packed.
Here is what I have out right now that is very preceious to me since it came from my dad.

The Best of Sync Volume one ,BOOK

Early sinc Magazines I have

Now I am missing Volume 1 number 1 because my dad got to the store to late to get it.
So I have these.

Sync Volume 1,number 2
Sync Volume 1,number4
Sync Volume 1,number 6

see a pattern here my dad did not get me to the store everytime they came out.

Sync Volume 2,number 1
Sync Volume 2, number 2 First issue to show the Timex sinclair 1000 on front cover
Sync Volume 2,number 3
Sync Volume 2,Number 4 Cool issue with star treck
Sync volume 2,number 5
Sync Volume 2,number 6

I have volume 3 issues and they delt more with the ZX81 computer.

My books of course I still have the owners manual to the ZX80

30 programs for the Sinclair ZX80

Making the most of the ZX80

the gate way to the ZX81 and ZX80

The one I really want and have not been able to get a copy of it since I was 15 1/2 years old was this book.

The ZX80 Companion

I really want a copy of that book. Now being in the United States I really have no Ideal
what books were plublished for the ZX80 computer.

I can tell you I really love this computer. I did have a book that delt with Machine Language but not sure if it
was for the ZX81 or ZX80.
It in a box with a alot of books for the ZX81.

I still want the little 4K RAM expansion module as well.

I spent my summers and winters programing this computer and even though I did get the ZX81 later.
I always came back to my ZX80. I just really like the way it looked with the white case.

This is a little about me.
I am a retired Electronic Engineer and computer programer.


Re: Hi I am back and was able to log in

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 10:35 am
by sirmorris
Hi Sean, welcome aboard back!

There's been quite a lot happening in the last 6-7 years..!

Re: Hi I am back and was able to log in

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 11:42 am
Yes, welcome back Sean - glad to hear from you again :D

Re: Hi I am back and was able to log in

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 3:28 pm
by Moggy
Yup a big welcome back from me too. :D

I have to say I admired how well state-side you took to the ZX80 and did far more with it than we ever did over here, those early Sync mags make for interesting reading.

Oh and this might be useful too, not the one you're after I know but handy never the less.

Re: Hi I am back and was able to log in

Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 6:23 pm
by 1024MAK
Hello Sean

Welcome back :D

Plenty to read about on here ;)
