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Sonic Screens for ZX81 with ZXPand+

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 9:26 pm
by GCHarder
Hi All;

This app will convert the screen display to musical notes. Some screens will
be more "tuneful" than others. Busier screens, not a lot of white space, work
best. You can easily add your own creations, if you want, the .scr files are
located in the Screens folder and just consist of data dumps of the display
file, all 24 lines, 792 bytes. Insert your screen into the $creen.txt file to
have it appear in the list box, alpha-numeric only, no extensions.

I've included over a 100 screens to "play". My favorites are the Julia and
Mandelbrot set screens, fractal music anyone? These were created using my
ZASCIIBrot and ZASCIIJulia programs. The Nowot screens are nice too, these are
modified screen dumps from the Nowotnik Puzzle game.

This app was tested on a T/S 1000 with ZXPand+ card.

See demo video...


Sonic Screens.gif
Sonic Screens.gif (10.18 KiB) Viewed 2772 times

Re: Sonic Screens for ZX81 with ZXPand+

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 9:57 am
by siggi
Great :mrgreen:
