can't get divide 57c to work properly

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Joined: Mon Mar 16, 2020 5:25 pm

can't get divide 57c to work properly

Post by jojo »

no divide logo at startup , no function at nmi button .

can some member please advice me which files to put where to get this thing working well

error must be in the divide as i tested it on several spectrums with the same results ( nothing happens ) , no divide logo at startup nothing happens

i verified the gal's , they are ok
i verified the eeprom , it verifies against the file i think should be in there ( yes , a raw file )

so what files needs to go were , eeprom , gal's and cf card ?
and how to get all functions on the spectrums screen ?

any advice highly appreciated
Zx81-16k exp.- Spectrum 48 - Spectrum 128- Interface 1 - DIVide - Zx flashcard- Zx printer - Ram turbo-Velleman interface system-Currah microspeech -Ql - 512k exp.- Ql printer - Cst floppy interf.- Double 3.5 floppy- Minerva - Qimi-and much more .
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