Greetings from California!

Introduce yourself to your fellow forum members - what was your journey into the Sinclair world?
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Greetings from California!

Post by BarryBrown »

Hello all.

Like many of you, I was an 80s kid when I got my ZX81. I ordered the $100 kit, but they were apparently out of stock, so I received the pre-built. It's an issue one, but with straight (not curvy) traces. I recently brought it out of storage in order to resurrect it.

Last week I upgraded the RAM to 32K, installed the vla81, gutted the RF modulator, replaced the two electrolytic caps, and replaced the regulator with a buck module. Works great!

Still to come: upgrade the ROM to a big bang and get a new membrane.

At the moment, I'm enjoying re-reading the Sync magazines on

I also have three TS1000 units. I'll probably upgrade one of them and leave the rest for spare parts.
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Re: Greetings from California!

Post by 1024MAK »

Hello and welcome to our forum Barry!

:D :D :D

I hope you enjoy this forum :D

Looks like you are quite far in the tinkering league :lol:

ZX81 Variations
ZX81 Chip Pin-outs
ZX81 Video Transistor Amp

:!: Standby alert :!:
There are four lights!
Step up to red alert. Sir, are you absolutely sure? It does mean changing the bulb :!:
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Re: Greetings from California!

Post by swensont »


Greetings from another Californian. There is a Timex/Sinclair Zoom group that meets twice a month. Details are on

Tim Swenson
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