I have a problem when I transfer files to the Z88 both from MAC a Windows 10. I suspected the USB-serial but not sure.
The adapter uses Prolific PL2303 TA (so only old drivers), anyone with experience with these?
The problem is that when I transfer files, i.e. new OZ5 it stops after file no five. Even if I transfer that file separately it doesn’t work. The CRC check is ok so a bit strange.
When I zip a 700kb file in smaller 64kb zips there is normally no problem transferring them.
Is there any file check even if you deselect checking in settings which affects bin files?
I will check my cable (again) but seems ok since the communication test passes and initially the transferring seems ok.
Anyone experienced similar issues and found a solution, the error message is “file aborted.” - command aborted…
Transfer files to Z88
Re: Transfer files to Z88
The definitely need a decent cable with hardware handshake. So guidance on cables here...
Re: Transfer files to Z88
Thank you, this is a great forum, yes most likely a problem with the handshake, either in cable or USB-RS232.
Is this the correct way to connect Z88-PC using 9 pin DSUB?
Z88 .. PC
TxD 2 ... 2 RxD
RxD 3 ... 3 TxD
RTS 4 ... 8 CTS
CTS 5 ... 7 RTS
6 ... 6
GND 7 ... 5 GND
DCD 8 ... 4 DTR
DTR 9 ... 1,6 DSR
with 8,9 on Z88 and 1,6 on PC side connected together?
Information here: https://tinyurl.com/k27fqm3
I know the most logical would be to buy a cable but with VAT, Shipping and the time I like to solder on myself, shouldn't be that hard
Thank you, this is a great forum, yes most likely a problem with the handshake, either in cable or USB-RS232.
Is this the correct way to connect Z88-PC using 9 pin DSUB?
Z88 .. PC
TxD 2 ... 2 RxD
RxD 3 ... 3 TxD
RTS 4 ... 8 CTS
CTS 5 ... 7 RTS
6 ... 6
GND 7 ... 5 GND
DCD 8 ... 4 DTR
DTR 9 ... 1,6 DSR
with 8,9 on Z88 and 1,6 on PC side connected together?
Information here: https://tinyurl.com/k27fqm3
I know the most logical would be to buy a cable but with VAT, Shipping and the time I like to solder on myself, shouldn't be that hard

Re: Transfer files to Z88
Yes! The info on that link is correct.
I have made many adapters from those instructions
I have made many adapters from those instructions

Re: Transfer files to Z88
I tried creating a Z88-to-Mac cable with those instructions and I get nothing. The Mac DIN-8 connector is a strange serial port but I did find this picture that helps turn it into a normal DB9 (or DE9). Still, that did not help. PC-Link is just waiting and the Mac software never finds the Z88.
Anyone here have any Z88-to-Mac experience? From the pin-out someone listed below, the last line, there is no pin 6 on the Mac side it seems, and pin 1 is DCD not DSR.
Anyone here have any Z88-to-Mac experience? From the pin-out someone listed below, the last line, there is no pin 6 on the Mac side it seems, and pin 1 is DCD not DSR.