Hi, new Z88 owner here, enjoying exploring this machine, had a Serial Link and a 512k flash from Vic at Rakewell and managed to get everything working like a dream
I have a question (that may be easily answerable but im struggling!) I have loaded a text document from my laptop to the Z88 and it's loaded up great but I'm trying to find a way to format the document as so it Wraps onto one screen, I.e all text contained within columns A to F, I've moved the margins etc but for some reason the text will not wrap around to the next line, any advice would be greatly appreciated
Text Wrap / all on one page
Re: Text Wrap / all on one page
The Z88 annoyingly handles wrapping to its screen with hard carriage returns. The only way to get the text to flow, IE, wrap to a different width, is to remove those hard carriage returns.
Re: Text Wrap / all on one page
Thank you, i think I have managed it!