ARENA an Old/New game

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ARENA an Old/New game

Post by GCHarder »

Arena Screens.jpg (144.79 KiB) Viewed 7962 times
Here's another program of mine I resurrected from a listing from Syncware News. It's was my only attempt at an arcade style game. Hopefully, there's no major bugs because without an annotated dis-assembly it would be hard to find it.

I've also included the scanned pages as well. Check out the great full page ad from Silicon Mountain Computers AKA Fred Nachbaur.


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Re: ARENA an Old/New game

Post by siggi »

Hi Greg
I tried to play the game, but is too fast for me (living in the 50 Hz part of the ZX81 universe ;-) ), especially caused by the strange keyboard layout. I then tried to play it using KMURTAs Joy81 card (programmed for the strange keys), but the game does not respond to the "keys" generated by Joy81 :-(

But no bugs occured till now ;-)

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Re: ARENA an Old/New game

Post by GCHarder »

Change line 860 POKE 16910,B to
860 POKE 16910,B*2 or B*4 or B*6...

I don't think it will break anything else.

Don't know what to say about the keyboard, that's not an easy change as it's based on the keyboard "sections" not on individual keys. I find Z-X-C-H works well, but I'm using a standard keyboard not a real ZX81. I've played it in three emulators with not problem.


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Re: ARENA an Old/New game

Post by kmurta »

A nice game and I like the graphic effects, very good!

Thanks Greg, for share that with us.

By the way, have you available the SHR Extended BASIC documentation?
siggi wrote: I then tried to play it using KMURTAs Joy81 card (programmed for the strange keys), but the game does not respond to the "keys" generated by Joy81 :-(
Siggi, use the keys Z,X,C and V to program the JOY81 ;-)

The game seems to read all keyboard sectors simultaneosly so there are no differences in type keys ( SHIFT Z X C V ) or ( A S D F G ) or ( Q W E R T ) or ( 1 2 3 4 5 ) or ( 6 7 8 9 0 ) or ( Y U I O P ) or ( H J K L NL ) or ( B N M . SPC ). It is as if we had just 5 keys in the keyboard. But in this case the JOY81 only recognize the sector 0 ( SHIFT Z X C V ).
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Re: ARENA an Old/New game

Post by GCHarder »

Sorry, all my hardware, mags, software etc. was stolen from a storage shed long ago. Luckily, I scanned a few items but not that. As I recall, I don't think I ever had any paper documents for that, maybe Fred put one together.
I've been thinking of dis-assembling the code, a daunting task since its 6K. I do know there's a jump table in there somewhere, once you find that you'd at least know where each individual routine is located.

Your right about the keyboard. Again, I don't recall why I did that, but I think it has to do with reading the keyboard port directly IN A,(FE) I think, and bypassing any ROM routines to decode the key pressed. Very fast, but limited, keyboard read, good if you only need a few keys.


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Re: ARENA an Old/New game

Post by siggi »

Thanks Kelly for your hint about the JOY81 keys. Now I can play the game without "applying the handbrake" (POKE ...) ;-)
And thanks to Greg for this nice old/new game

BTW: I have got long ago the SHREB documentation (but not of the latest SHREB version). But it is a copy of a matrix printer document and hard to read even on paper....
I could try do dig it out and scan it???

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Re: ARENA an Old/New game

Post by siggi »

Here is the SHREB documentation!
(708.27 KiB) Downloaded 332 times
Wilf Rigter scanned it in 2005 for me. The files are a graphical format, which can be viewed using this program (Wilf also sent me this link in 2005, and it still works!!!!):

Have fun
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Re: ARENA an Old/New game

Post by kmurta »

siggi wrote:Here is the SHREB documentation!
Thank you very much, Siggi!

I'll take a closer look once I have some free time.
1 x ZX81, 2 x TK85 , 1 TK82C, 1 TK95, 1 x Alphacom 32 printer, 1 x ZXpand
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Arena, updated version

Post by GCHarder »

With redefineable key patch
Arena (Key Patch).zip
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Re: ARENA an Old/New game

Post by JohnsBargs »

I like it, although it's a bit harsh when antimatter debris gets dumped in the square right next to the centre so you can't do anything about a shot from that direction. Also not quite sure what the point of the "moles" is.

It reminds me on a superficial level of Space Zap, which I was always surprised never got a port to either the Zeddy or the Speccy, being a super-simple but fast, intense and addictive game that would have been easy to do on either machine.

Bit of box art:
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