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KEMPSTON - why not?

Posted: Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:55 pm
by zsolt

The following two programs are slightly deviants.
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Its original version was my last ZX81 project in the 80's (in '87). At the time my RAMPACK was broken and without it the Zeddy seemed so lonely. :( So I borrowed my friend's KEMPSTON joystick interface, picked it apart (he was not pleased ;) ) and I found that it may be good for my purposes as well... (see video)
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I wrote the basics of this game before the SPONZY-project started. It uses also the KEMPSTON/joystick combo, and is written for pure 1K ZX81. Pressing the fire button You can accelerate (max. 160-165), while moving the joystick you can control your car. If you collide with a road marker (letter "I") the car jolt and the speed is reduced by half. If you drive too fast (over 100), you get no score. (see Speedlimits in Europe)

In the ZIP you will find three variants too:

- JOYride130.P : the speedlimit is 130
- JOYrideK.P, JOYrideK130.P : If you don't have Kempston type interface, try these.

Step on the gas and enJOY!
