Enhanced ARX True High Resolution Display Driver

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Re: Enhanced ARX True High Resolution Display Driver

Post by Fruitcake »

Moggy wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 5:02 pm I have tried the demo on Andy's UDG4ZXpand board on an issue one ZX81 with an issue three ZXpand and got the following results.
Thanks. It is nice to know ARX can work with the UDG4ZXpand board, at least in 64 character mode, and therefore there is a base of hardware out there that can run ARX software.

So it sounds like on the UDG4ZXpand there is a physical jumper that must be set to enable 128 character mode. For Chroma 81, the RAM in the 8K-16K region (if enabled) is always capable of 128 character mode and it is bit 0 of the I register that determines whether to use 64 or 128 character mode. Since the original and new ARX display driver increments the I register from $20 in steps of 2 then bit 0 is always reset and hence 64 character mode is always selected on Chroma. It looks like the UDG4ZXpand is expecting the I register to always increase in multiple of 4 when in 128 character mode.

A version of the ARX Display Driver could be created explicitly for use with the UDG4ZXpand's 128 character mode (using 6 sets of 128 characters), but it wouldn't be compatible with 64 character mode. That means you'd have to use the version of the display driver that matched the jumper setting (or ask the user which mode they wish to use and patch the display driver on the fly).

I guess there are pros and cons to the two implementations of 128 character mode. The downside of Chroma's approach is that software expecting to use 64 character mode can be tripped up if it sets bit 0 of the I register to 1 when it doesn't need to, but the upside is that there is no need for a physical jumper and software can switch between the two modes at will.
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Re: Enhanced ARX True High Resolution Display Driver

Post by kmurta »

Fruitcake wrote: Tue Mar 19, 2024 1:06 am So it sounds like on the UDG4ZXpand there is a physical jumper that must be set to enable 128 character mode. For Chroma 81, the RAM in the 8K-16K region (if enabled) is always capable of 128 character mode and it is bit 0 of the I register that determines whether to use 64 or 128 character mode.
I was always curious to know why Andy didn't implement selection of the 128 mode by bit 0 of I register, would it be due to cpld limitation? It would be much more practical to make this selection via software than via an external jumper.
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Re: Enhanced ARX True High Resolution Display Driver

Post by Spinnetti »

That looks like Pseudo high res? the WRX driver lets you get real high res and is easy to implement, though makes programming more challenging.
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Re: Enhanced ARX True High Resolution Display Driver

Post by mrtinb »

Spinnetti wrote: Wed Mar 20, 2024 3:17 am That looks like Pseudo high res? the WRX driver lets you get real high res and is easy to implement, though makes programming more challenging.
ARX is full Hires as well.
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Re: Enhanced ARX True High Resolution Display Driver

Post by stefano »

Hello, I remember that behaviour, I never understood it was appearing because of the ZXpand interface!
I was finally able to reproduce the problem, I'm inserting a simple fix which solves on EO.

The current driver code is here, it is quite different from the original one because it includes video effects, blanking and a 64 rows mode.
https://github.com/z88dk/z88dk/blob/mas ... rg_arx.asm

I tried to compare it with the Paul's one but it's tricky !
Paul, do you have an old version of the same driver to understand how it evolved ?
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Re: Enhanced ARX True High Resolution Display Driver

Post by Fruitcake »

stefano wrote: Tue Apr 02, 2024 1:45 pm I tried to compare it with the Paul's one but it's tricky !
Yeah, it would be as I completely rewrote it from scratch.

stefano wrote: Tue Apr 02, 2024 1:45 pm Paul, do you have an old version of the same driver to understand how it evolved ?
Sure, below is the ARX display driver that Andy originally posted on his now defunct website.

So having the 8 to 16K mod working and able to have upto 16 exta character sets got me thinking, with just 12 extra character sets i'd have enough different characters that would allow you to put a different character at each location on the screen, thus true hi-res using a slightly unusual memory layout, all i would have to do is fill the screem with 12 complete character sets i.e chars 0 to 31 on line 0, chars 32 to 63 on line 1, then chars 0 to 31 again on line 2 and so on. Now the tricky bit. how to hook the video display routine so that the I register is changed evey 2 lines or 16 scanlines. Now NOT been a great understander of the ZX81 video display routines i though i'd take a look how WRX works and have based my routine on Wilf's Thus instead of filling D-file with a load of characters i'm using a dummy sequence of 32 bytes BUT instead of just 1 buffer, i have 2, and instead of just been 32 Nop's they are 00h,01h,02h......1Fh,RET and 20h,21h,22h.......3Fh,RET each buffer called 8 times, 2 complete character lines, and then the I register is incremented by 2 and then we return to the first buffer for another 2 complete lines and do this 12 times over and ARX816 is born. The upshot..it works but because my routine has to be sycn'd with the ULA's line counter there's quite a big delay at the begining so this will slow basic down a bit, about 7% of available time for program excution is lost.

Code: Select all

0001   4082             	.org 16514
0002   4082             
0003   4082             ;this is hi res routine based on
			;wrx16, except it uses 8-16K above rom
0004   4082             ;however this ram is addressed like rom,
			;during refresh, ie. Bits 0-2 are the line
			;ula row counter, bits 3-8 are the char from
			;d-file/my dummy d-file. Whats more is this
			;Ram can be used as Chr$ generator requiring
			;only the I register to change. But can
			;equally be used for code execution.
0005   4082              
0006   4082             
0007   4082 
0008   4082 0001020304050607	.byte 	00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,
0008   4088 08090A0B0C0D0E0F
0009   4092 1011121314151617	.byte 	16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,
0009   4098 18191A1B1C1D1E1F
0010   40A2 C9          	ret
0011   40A3             
0012   40A3 
0013   40A3 2021222324252627	.byte
0013   40A9 28292A2B2C2D2E2F
0014   40B3 3031323334353637	.byte
0014   40B9 38393A3B3C3D3E3F
0015   40C3 C9          	ret

	;because of the way this ram is addressed during refresh
	;I need 2 dummy d-file lines, the first to do even character
	;rows, the second to do odd character rows. So basically the
	;h-file is laid out like 12 consecutive character maps.

0016   40C4             
0017   40C4             ;each buffer is called 8 times as video bytes
0018   40C4             ;both repeated 12 times in total,
			;(8+8)*12=192 scanlines.
0019   40C4             
0020   40C4             
				;this is the main loop when its time to
				;display the video because I need to sync
				;my lines with the ULA row counter
				;the effect is to slow down basic execution
				;a bit, not sure how much but its
				;effectively 8 scanlline
0021   40C4             
0022   40C4 06 78       	ld b,120		;between here
0023   40C6 10 FE       delay	djnz delay		;and the first
0024   40C8 03          	inc bc			;execution of
0025   40C9 00          	NOP			;the lbuf bytes
0026   40CA             				;total delay is
0027   40CA 16 08       	ld d,8			;equal to 8 scanlines
0028   40CC 06 0C       	ld b,12
0029   40CE 4A          	ld c,d			;set up initial regs
0030   40CF 3E 20       	ld a,020h
0031   40D1 ED 47       	ld i,a
0032   40D3             
0033   40D3             
0034   40D3             arx1
0035   40D3 CD 82 C0    	call lbuf1+8000h
					;17	17 t states so far
0036   40D6 00          	nop			
					;4	159 t states so far (138 from ;lbuf1) timing
0037   40D7             
0038   40D7 0D          	dec c			
					;4	163 t states
0039   40D8 CA E2 40    	jp z,arx2		;use conditinal jp uses
							;10 t states either way		
					;10	173 t states
0040   40DB ED 57       	ld a,I			;this way if not 8
					;9	182 t states timing
0041   40DD ED 57       	ld a,I
					;9	191 t states timing
0042   40DF 00          	nop			
					;4	195 t states timing
0043   40E0 18 F1       	jr arx1
					;12	207 t states !!!
                                       ;this is the end of the first loop
				       ;this route is taken if 8 scanlines
				       ;have been completed.
0044   40E2             
0045   40E2             arx2
0046   40E2 ED 57       	ld a,I
					;9	182 t states timing 
0047   40E4 03          	inc bc
					;6	188 t states timing
					;doesn't matter about c, gets reloaded
0048   40E5 03          	inc bc	
					;6	194 t states timing
0049   40E6 4A          	ld c,d
					;4	198 t states
0050   40E7 ED 57       	ld a,i			
					;9	207 t states !!!
0051   40E9             
					;the start of the second inner loop
0052   40E9             arx3
0053   40E9 CD A3 C0    	call lbuf2+8000h	
					;17	17 t states ; fire the second row
0054   40EC 0D          	dec c	
					;4	159 t states (138 from lbuf2)
0055   40ED CA F8 40    	jp z,arx4
					;10	169 t states
0056   40F0 ED 57       	ld a,I
					;9	178 t states timing
                                        ;this branch if not 8 scan lines
0057   40F2 ED 57       	ld a,I
					;9	187 t states timing
0058   40F4 3C          	inc a			
					;4      191 t states timing, 
					;for the most part
0059   40F5 3C          	inc a	
					;4      195 t states timing,
					;but also increments A by 2 
					;ready for the other branch
0060   40F6 18 F1       	jr arx3
					;12	207 t states !!!
0061   40F8             
0062   40F8             arx4
0063   40F8 4A          	ld c,d
					;4	173 t states reset scan line counter
0064   40F9 ED 47       	ld i,a
					;9	182 t states set i to next 512 byte block#
0065   40FB 7E          	ld a,(hl)		
					;7	189 t states timing
0066   40FC 00          	nop
					;4	193 t states timing
0067   40FD 05          	dec b
					;4 	197 t states
0068   40FE C2 D3 40    	jp nz,arx1
					;10	207 t states !!!

;the following section is virtually the same as ;wilfs wrx16

0069   4101 DD 21 07 41 	ld ix,arx5
0070   4105 18 07       	jr arx6
0071   4107             
0072   4107 CD 20 02    arx5	call 0220h
0073   410A DD 21 C4 40 	ld ix,arx
0074   410E             
0075   410E             
0076   410E             
0077   410E 3A 28 40    arx6	LD A,(4028h)	;33 or 19 blank lines in bottom MARGIN

0078   4111 D6 08       	SUB 8		;reduce by 8 scan lines

0079   4113 C3 9E 02		JP 029Eh     	;start NMI, POP registers and RETURN
0080   4116             
0081   4116             
0082   4116             
0083   4116             stop  				

;STOP hires and return to normal, this is the same as wrx16

0084   4116 21 81 02    	ld hl,0281h 	;pointer to rom video routine
0085   4119 3E 1E       	ld a,1Eh    	;rom pattern table base address (1E00)
0086   411B ED 47       	ld i,a     	;stick it in the I register
0087   411D 18 03       	jr sync
0088   411F             
0089   411F             start 				

;Starts the hires video

0090   411F 21 C4 40    	ld hl,arx   	;pointer to the hires video routine
0091   4122             
0092   4122             sync  			;used by START and STOP to smoothly change video mode
0093   4122 E5          	push hl    

*****************************************		;this check gets stuck
*****************************************		;if running in fast mode

0094   4123 21 34 40          ld hl,4034h	;FRAMES counter
0095   4126 7E                ld a,(hl)		;get old FRAMES
0096   4127             sloop
0097   4127 BE          	cp (hl)		;compare to new FRAMES
0098   4128 28 FD             jr z,sloop	;exit after a change is detected
0099   412A DD E1             pop ix     
0100   412C C9                ret
0101   412D             
0102   412D             	.end

the above code is assuming that the H-file is located in the first 6K of the 8-16K region and is mapped thus:- first byte scanline 0 addess 2000h, second byte scanline 0 address 2008h ect.

maybe a better way to show it.

scanline 0> 2000h 2008h 2010h 2018h ..... 20F8h
scanline 1> 2001h 2009h 2011h 2019h ..... 20F9h
scanline 7> 2007h 200Fh 2017h 201Fh ..... 20FFh
scanline 8> 2100h 2108h 2110h 2118h ..... 21F8h
scanline 190> 3706h 370Eh 3716h 371Eh ..... 37FEh
scanline 191> 3707h 370Fh 3717h 371Fh ..... 37FFh
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Re: Enhanced ARX True High Resolution Display Driver

Post by stefano »

The resulting programs after my crappy fix: could anybody see if it fixes the problem ?
I could have introduced the problem trying to reduce the code size (e.g. heavily relying on ROM calls) because changing the way to test the BREAK condition is apparently enough to solve the problem.
The code size was my major concern because the ARX mode doesn't seem to work properly outside the 16K bytes RAM boundary.

Obviously it shoud be checked on the real hardware configuration, here is a (hopefully) fixed game version:
zcc +zx81 -subtype=_arx -clib=arxansi -create-app -lgfx81arx192 -pragma-define:ansicolumns=42 -O3 hangman.c
(5.17 KiB) Downloaded 99 times

..and something drawn in 64rows mode
zcc +zx81 -subtype=_arx64 -create-app -lgfx81arx64 -O3 -lm rndsphere.c
(2.58 KiB) Downloaded 99 times
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Re: Enhanced ARX True High Resolution Display Driver

Post by stefano »

Some more sample programs ;)
(46.17 KiB) Downloaded 82 times

Some of them required a manual build of lib3d.lib altered with the -IXIY trick, yet another todo for the z88dk project :roll:
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Re: Enhanced ARX True High Resolution Display Driver

Post by Fruitcake »

stefano wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2024 10:34 am could anybody see if it fixes the problem ?
The program now displays ok in EightyOne but still has issues that my new display driver resolves.

Here is the output from EightyOne:


The VSync pulse starts and ends about 2/3rds of the way across a scanline and this upsets the output from Chroma 81 (SCART and RF output):


I don't have a UDG4ZXpand board (or any other device providing non-WRX RAM access in the 8-16K region) and so can only test using Chroma. Previous testing indicated that the position of the VSync pulse can affect the output from Chroma.

The new program also only outputs a frame consisting of only 302 scanlines, and you can see the start of the VSync pulse in the bottom right corner of the photo of the Chroma SCART output above and the RF output below:

stefano wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2024 10:34 am I could have introduced the problem trying to reduce the code size (e.g. heavily relying on ROM calls) because changing the way to test the BREAK condition is apparently enough to solve the problem.
The original display driver might basically work but is not as accurate and compatible as it could be. This is why I wrote an enhanced version to address these issues.

stefano wrote: Wed Apr 03, 2024 10:34 am The code size was my major concern because the ARX mode doesn't seem to work properly outside the 16K bytes RAM boundary.
The original display driver was 148 bytes whereas my display driver is 157 bytes, so only an increase of 9 bytes.
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Re: Enhanced ARX True High Resolution Display Driver

Post by stefano »

I see. I will try to merge your code, but as you probably saw the z88dk driver is rather different.
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