11th Edition of BASIC 10 Liner Contest
11th Edition of BASIC 10 Liner Contest
Until March 26 you can send your creations for this contest. In which you have to create a program in basic with only 10 lines, among many systems you can send programs in ZX81 and ZX80.
Until March 26 you can send your creations for this contest. In which you have to create a program in basic with only 10 lines, among many systems you can send programs in ZX81 and ZX80.
Re: 11th Edition of BASIC 10 Liner Contest
My first entry for this contest
Re: 11th Edition of BASIC 10 Liner Contest
Just sent in my game on the ZX81.
10 lines of thrill on a ZX81 with movement in X, Y direction, score and printing of score.
10 lines of thrill on a ZX81 with movement in X, Y direction, score and printing of score.
Re: 11th Edition of BASIC 10 Liner Contest
My entry:
10 line to type in, like the old days.
The game is called UP-DOWN-LEFT-RIGHT reversed
So to ALTER the direction to the rightyou need to press to the LEFT and all other directions the same.
Keep the pixel on the screen.
10 line to type in, like the old days.
The game is called UP-DOWN-LEFT-RIGHT reversed
So to ALTER the direction to the rightyou need to press to the LEFT and all other directions the same.
Keep the pixel on the screen.
Re: 11th Edition of BASIC 10 Liner Contest
Whole new game.
Computer adds movement and you need to keep pixel on screen
controls QAOP and N for new game
Computer adds movement and you need to keep pixel on screen
controls QAOP and N for new game
Re: 11th Edition of BASIC 10 Liner Contest
My second and last entry for this contest
Re: 11th Edition of BASIC 10 Liner Contest
Next entry...
"Frog Killer"
TS1000... (2K min)
Not really a 10 lines programme, but you can erase the LET S$ line, and type goto 1 to run it.
Type any key when you reach the dead line point...
11 lines (RUN):
10 lines (GOTO 1):
Have Fun...
"Frog Killer"
TS1000... (2K min)
Not really a 10 lines programme, but you can erase the LET S$ line, and type goto 1 to run it.
Type any key when you reach the dead line point...
Code: Select all
10 LET S$="¾½¿¾½¿¾½¿¾½¿¾½¿¾½¿¾½¿¾½¿¾½¿¾½¿¾½¿¾½¼¯®¼¯°O½½½Oº´‘‘´¼ ¿¿¿ ¯º°½½½º°»®±¿½¿»®±±» ±» »º¾°± ¾½V½¾±µ††µ» (X)(X) ·±»±»¶ "
20 LET R=30
30 LET Z=1
40 LET D=1
50 LET M=36
60 PRINT AT 1,1;"---´";\
AT 8,14;S$(M TO M+4);\
TAB 13;S$(M+5 TO M+11);\
TAB 14;S$(M+12 TO M+16);\
TAB 13;S$(M+17 TO M+23);\
TAB 13;S$(M+24 TO M+30);\
TAB 12;S$(M+31 TO M+39);\
AT 2,2;"±¬" AND Z=0;"·¬ " AND Z=1 ;"±¬®" AND Z=2;\
AT 3,2;" «±" AND Z=0;" «ª " AND Z=1;" « ¶" AND Z=2;\
AT 4,2;" ± " AND Z=0;" ¯±" AND Z=1 ;" ¼¯" AND Z=2;\
AT 5,2;" »±" AND Z=0;" ¬¶" AND Z=1 ;"» ·" AND Z=2;\
AT 6,0;S$(Z+1 TO 30-Z);AT 5,R;"I";AT 5,R+1;" "
80 IF INKEY$<>"" AND R=4 THEN LET M=76
90 LET Z=Z+1-(D*2)
100 LET R=R-1
110 GOTO 60
Xavier ...on the Facebook groupe : "Zx81 France"(fr)
Re: 11th Edition of BASIC 10 Liner Contest
Press a key (not the space key!) to pull the fish to you, but if the fishing line too tight ... ("---I++++x" gauge)
Type "RUN"...
Next entry ?
[EDIT] Updated v.2
Press a key (not the space key!) to pull the fish to you, but if the fishing line too tight ... ("---I++++x" gauge)
Code: Select all
10 LET A$="‘‘‘i³ / -"
20 LET B=8
30 PRINT AT 16,0;" ";AT 4,1;"P µ- ";TAB 2;"±¼ ";TAB 3;"‰ ";TAB 0;" º";TAB 0;"ª®®µ®®¬";AT 9,0;"´½¿½¿½´½¿½¿½¿½¿½¿½¿½¿½¿½¿½¿½¿½¿½";\
AT 5+SIN PI,2;" ¼»";\
AT 4,5;"/";\
AT 4,1;" ";\
AT 2,2;".";AT 2+SIN PI,2;" ";\
AT 1,7;".";AT 1+SIN PI,7;" ";\
AT 2,12;".";AT 2+SIN PI,12;" ";\
AT 4,15;".";AT 4+SIN PI,15;" ";\
AT 6,16;".";AT 6+SIN PI,16;" ";\
AT 8,16;"V";AT 8+SIN PI,16;" ";\
AT 5,4;" ";AT 4,5;" ";AT 6,3;"l$";
40 FOR A=5+RND*15 TO 30
50 PRINT AT 10,A;"q";AT 16,0;A$( TO B);" ";AT 10,A;" ";AT 5,5;A$(11+(1 AND INKEY$<>""));AT 4,6;A$(11+(1 AND INKEY$<>""));AT 6,5;A$(13+(1 AND INKEY$=""));AT 6,6;A$(13+(1 AND INKEY$=""))
60 LET B=B-(B>1 AND INKEY$="")+(INKEY$<>"" AND B<11)
70 LET A=A-(3 AND INKEY$<>"" AND B>4)
90 PRINT AT 7+SIN PI+SIN PI+SIN PI,0;"OK" AND B<11 AND A<5;"no" AND B>10
[EDIT] Updated v.2
Xavier ...on the Facebook groupe : "Zx81 France"(fr)
Re: 11th Edition of BASIC 10 Liner Contest
Sorry, "Fishing" was an "early access"(*) Zx81's game...
The last final release is THIS file ! (Really ! Trust me...)
Eggty-one file (zx81 16k): (strike "RUN" key...then "New/line")
TS Trougth-send (2k): (strike "RUN" key...then "Enter")
Have Fun...
(*) ... Like Vb81...
Sorry, "Fishing" was an "early access"(*) Zx81's game...
The last final release is THIS file ! (Really ! Trust me...)
Eggty-one file (zx81 16k): (strike "RUN" key...then "New/line")
TS Trougth-send (2k): (strike "RUN" key...then "Enter")
Have Fun...
(*) ... Like Vb81...
Xavier ...on the Facebook groupe : "Zx81 France"(fr)