Hi jojo,
Glad you got it working!
I have just installed ver 1.18 on my TZXDuino (I couldn’t find 1.19)
To get this to work, you will need to change the code in the very last line of the userconfig.h (as well as the same OLED1306 modifications you did earlier on the 1.17 code)
I downloaded the 1.18 firmware from the following github
below is a listing of my modified code which selects the screen and SD Card type. To change the settings, look for the display type lines (about the middle of the code) and the SD card type line is the very last line in the code.
I have just tested it out on my ZX Spectrum +2 and all looks good; I am hoping to test it out on my Oric 1 at some point during the weekend.
/* */
/* */
/* Configure your screen settings here */
/* Delete the // of the lines appropriate to your device */
/* */
/* */
// which device/platform are you building.
#if defined(__AVR__)
#define outputPin 9 // Audio Output PIN - Set accordingly to your hardware.
#define LowWrite() {PORTB&=(~(1<<PORTB1));}
#define HighWrite() {PORTB|=(1<<PORTB1);}
#define chipSelect 10 //Sd card chip select pin
#elif defined(__SAMD21__)
#define outputPin 7 // Audio Output PIN - Set accordingly to your hardware.
#define LowWrite() {digitalWrite(outputPin, LOW);}
#define HighWrite() {digitalWrite(outputPin, HIGH);}
#define chipSelect 2 //Sd card chip select pin
//#define BUTTONS_ADC
//#define BUTTONS_ADC_PIN A3 // buttons on single ADC input pin
// set ADC ranges here (used if BUTTONS_ADC is defined). Set your resistors so that the voltage divider falls in the middle of the bands.
// each #define is the 'lower bound', the upper bound is the next level after it.
// no action triggered when ADC reading between 0 and the level for UP
#define BUTTONS_ADC_UP_LOW 200 // UP action triggered when ADC reading anywhere between this level and the next level (DOWN)
#define BUTTONS_ADC_DOWN_LOW 400 // DOWN action triggered when ADC reading anywhere between this level and the next level (ROOT)
#define BUTTONS_ADC_ROOT_LOW 700 // ROOT action triggered when ADC reading anywhere between this level and the next level (STOP)
#define BUTTONS_ADC_STOP_LOW 900 // STOP action triggered when ADC reading anywhere between this level and the next level (PLAY)
#define BUTTONS_ADC_PLAY_LOW 980 // PLAY action triggered when ADC reading anywhere between this level and 1023 (= upper limit)
// set button GPIO pins (used if BUTTONS_ADC is NOT defined)
#define btnPlay 17 //Play Button
#define btnStop 16 //Stop Button
#define btnUp 15 //Up button
#define btnDown 14 //Down button
#define btnRoot 7 //Return to SD card root
// define HAVE_MOTOR if you want to add support for motor control (requires an extra GPIO)
#define HAVE_MOTOR
#define btnMotor 6 //Motor Sense (connect pin to gnd to play, NC for pause)
// define HAVE_EEPROM if your device has an eeprom compatible with <EEPROM.h>
//#define SERIALSCREEN 1 /*For Testing purposes only */
//#define LCDSCREEN16x2 1 /*Set if you are using a 1602 LCD screen */
//#define LCD_I2C_ADDR 0x27 /*Set the i2c address of your 1602LCD usually 0x27 or 0x3f*/
//#define RGBLCD 1
#define OLED1306 1 /*Defines if you are using a 128x64 or 128x32 OLED screen */
//#define OLED1306_0.91 1 /*Defines if you are using a 0.91" 128x32 screen.*/
//#define OLED1306_1.3 1 /* Use this line as well if you have a 1.3" OLED screen */
#define SPECFONT 1 /* Use this line if you want to use the Spectrum Font by Brendan Alford
//#define P8544 1 /*Set if you are using an 84x48 PCD8544 screen */
//#define TZXDuino_Logo 1
//#define LCD_USE_1602_LCD_MODULE 1 /*Not used at the moment */
// filesystem options
#define maxFilenameLength 100 //Maximum length for long filename support (ideally as large as possible to support very long filenames)
#define nMaxPrevSubDirs 20 //Number of parent directories to hold i.e. maximum depth of being able to navigate 'back up' through parent folders (ideally as large as possible to support deep file trees)
// Test with reduced SPI speed for breadboards. SD_SCK_MHZ(4) will select
// the highest speed supported by the board that is not over 4 MHz.
// Change SPI_SPEED to SPI_FULL_SPEED or SD_SCK_MHZ(50) for best performance.
//#define SPI_SPEED SD_SCK_MHZ(4)
// support exFat?
// set to 1 to include exfat, 0 to exclude exfat (fat16/fast32 only), or undefine to just automatically choose for you - based on available ram
#define SD_INCLUDE_EXFAT_SUPPORT 0 // 0 or 1 . 0 means 'do not include exfat support', which will make the smallest firmware
// Using the SD_INCLUDE_EXFAT_SUPPORT is preferred but if you want to use the SdFatConfig.h approach (as documented in sdfat docs)
// or you want to hardcode the support type yourself (e.g. if you want ONLY exfat and no fat32 support) you can #define SD_FAT_TYPE directly
#define SD_FAT_TYPE 0 // 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 , see sdfat docs
After changing this, I simply uploaded it to my TZXDuino and it works a treat.
I hope this helps
Best regards,