The board has already been modified with a composite board, but it also seems to have a couple of other mods:
- It's an issue 1 board with the ROM fix standoff board, but the ROM chip appears to be a later 649 variant.
- There's a wire on the bottom of the board from ULA pin 14 to a point just the other side of the ULA (see pic below - red line added for clarity).
- Will the ROM fix cause problems for the later ROM installed?
- Any idea what the yellow jumper wire would be for? Removing it seems to make the output worse - I get just a plain white screen rather than the one shown below with it.
I can get a picture via composite, but the cursor appears badly skewed/flattened. Though I'm not that is the cursor as pressing anything on the keyboard doesn't change the display - though I don't know if the keyboard is working yet! Any help or suggestions welcomed, I would love to get this operational again.