Probably the biggest collection of ZX81 Programs in the world

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Probably the biggest collection of ZX81 Programs in the world

Post by juancast »

Dear friends,

I was the Librarian of a North America Timex/Sinclair Users Club with hundreds of members. When I came to live in Uruguay I brought all those masters recorded in 48 good quality tapes full of more than one thousand such software, to which I added numerous other scientific programs that several people wrote here. That huge collection I don't use anymore but it must not be lost. So I decided to sell it for the equivalent of about one hundred dollars to retro people in Uruguay, one of them a musician and expert in all things having to do with sound, who if they buy it, I hope will digitalize the lot so that it can be used in emulators as well and be made available worldwide. That's the plan. I think it's good news for retro fans and especially ZX81 ones. I'm currently in the process of selling my whole lot of hardware (many ZX81s Spectrums, etc.) as well as QSave filters, HRG and Memocalc add-ons, memory expansions, speech synthetiser, Opus diskette system, microdrive system, EPROM burners, EPROM add-on cards, printers, regular PC keyboards adapted to the ZX81, etc., etc. since I won't have time to go back to work with all this and being currently 72, it's best if it all goes to young retro people that may keep alive the use of this wonderful little machine, that with all the programs, will keep a lot of people fascinated and eager to try it.

So, in the near future you may hear more about this from those local people whom I encouraged to join this forum.
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Re: Probably the biggest collection of ZX81 Programs in the world

Post by 1024MAK »

Spreading the love - cool 8-)

ZX81 Variations
ZX81 Chip Pin-outs
ZX81 Video Transistor Amp

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Re: Probably the biggest collection of ZX81 Programs in the world

Post by juancast »

OK, after quite a while the ZX81 and Spectrum folks here in Uruguay bought much of the ZX81 stuff I had but so far have shown no inclination to go for this unique software collection. So it doesn't go unused anymore, I decided to put it up for sale here. We're talking of 12 black plastic boxes with four cassettes each, in all 48 cassettes, full of ZX81 programs. It's the originals of our old club's library, well preserved from any magnetic disturbance. I'm willing to sell it for 150 US dollars but not wanting to go to the trouble and expense of shipping it, I want to sell it by hand delivery to the interested party or someone acting for him/her by means of cash payment. So if you are considering travelling to Uruguay or know someone in Montevideo, where I live, who could send it to you or any other way to accomplish the basic transaction, it's here, available and dying to be put back to good use by a ZX81 lover, for their own use or perhaps to make copies and sell them piecemeal to other ZX81 fans, so none of these programs is lost forever.

I also have much more ZX81 stuff still available like a microdrive, ASZMIC eprom (ROM) for Assembly, many, many rolls of paper for the ZX printer, EPROM boards, ZX81s, Alphacom printers, lots of different types of virgin EPROMs I bought then at Radio Shack, PC keyboards adapted for the ZX81, etc. at very reasonable prices of between 5 to 30 US dollars each that could also be picked up as part of the deal.

Those interested can get the ball moving by replyig here.
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