Backup of found

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Backup of found

Post by BrunoFlorindo »

That's right. I have a full backup (I think) of the whole site, made in April 2007. I had forgot about this backup until last night. My hosting space doesn't allow files bigger than 5MB and a torrent would be too slow, so I uploaded it to Megaupload. If you never had a chance to visit that site or browse the old bulleting boards now it's your chance.

In order to browse the old forums you'll have to open the main html file, which I renamed from to Yabb.html. In my case I copied the folder to C:\ and opened the forum by going to c:\\cgi-bin\yabb\YaBB.html. I used IE and checked the option to allow active-x. I was able to browse every single thread.

I'm doing this for those who thought all the knowledge and discussions from was lost forever and never had a chance to save its content. I hope it will be useful.
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Re: Backup of found

Post by Zschopower »

Hi, ZX81/TS1000 users,

ZX-TEAM-member Thomas did the same :o

He writes in his German ZX81 Forum:

"I have a Site-Rip of on my Server. I've sent many, many eMails to BillH asking him for the permission to post this Rip to the public but never got an answer. OK, now I post the URL for this Rip. The Rip is far from perfect, and fully static. Some links and the board functions aren't working at all. I will remove this copy as soon as BillH ask me to remove it. I post this copy for the ZX81 community to keep the knowhow available! ..."

To access the german ZX81 Forum:


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Re: Backup of found

Post by sirmorris »

would it be possible to link it to this site in the same way as tlienhart did?
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Re: Backup of found

Post by yerzmyey »

Just wanted to say "hi". :)

I was a member of, I regret the site dissapeared.
IN NIHILUM REVERTERIS - a big text-adventure game for ZX81:
"MONOCHROME" issue 5 - (Spring 2014) free paper/PDF magazine about ZX81:
ZX81 COMPETITIONS 2007/2009:
Bill H
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Re: Backup of found

Post by Bill H »

I am glad you guys have a backup of the old site - mine went away when the system it was on went *poof*. Also just an FYI - I am in the process of bringing back

Bill H
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Re: Backup of found

Post by Moggy »

Bill H wrote:I am glad you guys have a backup of the old site - mine went away when the system it was on went *poof*. Also just an FYI - I am in the process of bringing back

Bill H
Damm good site Bill sorely missed,nice to here from You again. The back up is still a useful reference tool, look forward to the new one.

regards moggy
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Re: Backup of found

Post by Math123 »

Hi Bill,

welcome back to the web! Looking foreward to have ts1000.(whatever) back online.

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Re: Backup of found

Post by BrunoFlorindo »

I remember your posts on css back in Jan 2008

January 9, 2008
(...) I didn't (and still don't have time) to moderate it, with so many
spam robots posting messages (or trying) and creating bogus accounts.
I just turned the site off for now (after trying to get some help for
about a month). All is still there. Though there may be hope at the
end of the rainbow. I have a client I had to setup the same board
program for and I did some heavy moding using captcha scripts and
cookies, and after 3 months he hasnt had a single "bot" try to sign
up. So I may put it back up in a few weeks using the modified code.
May 11, 2008
I am glad to see someone had a copy of the site and has it online
( at ...

My backups got so currupted that I have been unable to even extract
text, now that I see a copy exists I can stop worrying about it.

Bill H
When you made those posts and then gave away your Spectrum +2 for free (back in April 2008), I thought you were leaving the Sinclair world permanently. Sometimes people find they don't have time for their favorite hobby, or they just lose interest. But it's always good when we see someone coming back.

This ZX81 English-forum was created precisely because disappeared all of a sudden and we had no idea why. There was no warning or explanation. It was there and the next day it wasn't. That's why we gathered, talked to a few people to see what to do next and then Rich kindly agreed to provide a new place for us to talk about the ZX81 and compatible clones.
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Re: Backup of found

Post by Bill H »

BrunoFlorindo wrote:When you made those posts and then gave away your Spectrum +2 for free (back in April 2008), I thought you were leaving the Sinclair world permanently. Sometimes people find they don't have time for their favorite hobby, or they just lose interest. But it's always good when we see someone coming back.

This ZX81 English-forum was created precisely because disappeared all of a sudden and we had no idea why. There was no warning or explanation. It was there and the next day it wasn't. That's why we gathered, talked to a few people to see what to do next and then Rich kindly agreed to provide a new place for us to talk about the ZX81 and compatible clones.
Bruno - Still have the Spectrum +2 and all the other goodies. I run a small hosting company in NY and back then I was balancing 200+ websites on 3 antiquated servers along with - All was good till the spam bots found it and then I was spending hours deleting spam, fixing message indexes or trying to block DOS attacks.

Since then things have gotten better - Those old servers are gone and new hardware is in place - we have routers and firewalls to protect us and I actually have time to do things again. So I am hoping to bring back to life. I actually lost the domain name and a few weeks ago I saw this message about the backup and wondered if the domain name was still being used by a "search engine" and it was free - So I got it back and am putting together a nice wordpress / forum site.

Will be kind of fitting - next year is the 30th anniversary of the zx81

Bill H
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